Thursday, September 3, 2009


  1. How do you feel?
    With our fingers.
  2. No, I meant how do you feel inside?
    We are taking vitamins, getting rest...
  3. Cut it out! ...... just tell me what this is like (since I'll be working until I'm 70) and my 401K is now a 201K. I don't know if I can ever retire. Sigh.
    a) It does not seem real. Neither one of us "feel" retired.
    b) It "feels" like we're on an extended vacation; we won't reach Tucson until 9/20.
    c) We feel blessed and privileged to have this opportunity. Is this real? Pinch me.
  4. Why Tucson?
    We own a house there.
  5. How did you end up buying a house there?
    (asked with a truly puzzled voice)
    a) In 1992, (seventeen years ago,) we moved from Minnesota to Moscow, Russia for my job. I (and about 15 other ex-pats,) worked for the Radisson Slavjanskaya Hotel (the first American-Russian hotel). So, in 1993 we sold our home in MN.
    b) Then, Jan. 1994, during vacation in Tucson, we bought a home "out there". Why?
    1) Jeff had 15 years left working for the government until he could retire.
    2) Buying a house with a 15 year mortgage meant we could retire.
    3) Jeff feels strongly drawn (called?) to Tucson. Although he cannot adequately explain it, we both believe this is God's next step for us. If fear is the only thing holding me back, that is not a valid reason (excuse) not to go.
  6. Are you excited?
    Yes (Jeff) and no (Martha)....until I find my niche, new community and church.
  7. Will you miss things back in DC-Virginia? Absolutely.
  8. What? Friends, Christ the King (our church,) The Falls Church (former church,) babysitting the Glades (Gracie (5 1/2), Katie Jane (4), Jack (2) and Sara (almost one), the weather (mild winters but four distinct seasons) plus more space than our new home.
  9. Will you work? We view ourselves as professional volunteers; working for our community and church but not for a paycheck. Yes, Jeff will golf but not daily.
  10. Your home is on a golf course so you will be golfing there, right? Doubtful. He'll be checking out municipal courses first.
  11. Do you know anyone there? My first cousin and her husband, who live 4 miles from us, moved there about 8 years ago. Our property manager lives about 25 miles away. Lastly, we have received scores of contact names once we announced that Tucson was our destination. We look forward to connecting with them.
  12. How can we be praying for you? A new church home that "fits" both of us. I am traditional, liturgical and less flexible (in my worship style).

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