Thursday, December 23, 2010

Kneed Repair……(martha)

At the beginning of November, I hurt my knee. On Monday, December 20th,
I went in for a tune-up (surgery to repair the torn meniscus).

Now we're headed to Minneapolis-St. Paul on Friday, December 24th, to celebrate Christmas with our families. We'll be talking to you in 2011.

Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Snow........Hmm, what is that? (martha)

Paris is getting snow! Today, the Minneapolis Star/Tribune (newspaper )weather headline is this: "1" Snow/Ice Today (3-6" possible Saturday). Subzero Sunday?"

How about Tucson? NOPE. Come on down and escape the winter. Can you take 78 degrees? Our forecast for the weekend is 80! (she laughs) We don't miss all. Like Jeff says, "We don't have to shovel sunshine."