Sunday, September 9, 2012

Summer fun 2012 (the MN Hajj)...martha

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  
Let your imagination fill in the story!

Tucker Lake about 350 miles north of the Twin Cities on the Gunflint Trail (near Canada)

Our lodging for two nights on the Gunflint Trail.

Relaxing and reading; the main event for Martha.  Jeff, John & Carol Berg were more active! 

Our great-nephew, Hawkin Berg, age 2

Minnesota State Fair

Martha's birthday dinner, August 30

Family - L-R back row Julie Kraus and Martha Berg
L-R sitting Lisa (Kraus) Fagen and Lynne (Kraus) Papenfuss

Great-nephew Eli Stangl's 2nd Birthday Party

Eli Stangl.  That cake is yummy!

Jeff and Brian Jeffrey Stangl, his godson

Jeff and Martha at the birthday party.

Brian and Gina Stangl, (nephew and niece)

Gina Stangl and Martha Berg
Martha and Jeff with 3 sisters (our great-nieces) and their first cousin (our great nephew)
L-R Macie (5 1/2); Natalie (7) and Evie Stangl  (2) on Martha's lap. Jeff is holding Eli Stangl (2) the birthday boy.

Brian and Gina Stangl with their 3 girls.
The sunsets on another adventure in Minnesota but it is good to be home!


  1. From the beginning to the end, absolutely beautiful! And it is true... fun to go, but even better to come back home!

    Thank you both for sharing these beautiful pictures with us!

  2. OMG! We might be related! I come from some Minnesota/Wisconsin/Iowa Stengls. We'll have to talk! Jennifer Greenleaf

  3. Great photos, thanks for sharing. So glad you had a fun time "back home" this summer. Blessings...always!
