Tuesday, June 22, 2010

House beautiful?...........(martha)

Whew, the dust has settled and the floors were mopped.

I am over the moon that I can walk around the house sans clothes (NOT!) because no more workman are here. Guess it is time for a photo shoot?

We then added an Arizona Door (see below) which acts as a screen door.

And.....thanks to our photographer, Jeff.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Extreme Makeover??...............(martha)

Two weeks ago, I woke up at 6 am to noise directly outside the house.

‘What’s that sound?’ I wondered. It was sound of scaffolding being erected outside our windows and doors.

We have been under siege (and noise) since then. Inside our house we have a thick coating of fine dust. Since work is still on-going, I will wait to thoroughly clean next week when the dust settles.

Stay tuned for pictures of the finished product!